Flyout Module Position for Joomla

Joomla! Plugin

I developed the “Flyout Module Position” for Joomla, a system plugin that allows any module from the site to load in a flyout position. This plugin is designed to grab attention to important content and provides full control over the flyout’s appearance and style, making it easy to integrate with the site’s overall design.

Joomla! Extensions Directory Link


My client for this project was CODEBOXR, a company that customizes WordPress, Joomla, and other open-source CMS platforms, and builds both free and professional extensions/addons.

Codeboxr Website:

My responsibilities in the Flyout Module Position project included:

  • Front-End Design: I designed the front end to display any module/s in a flyout without relying on JavaScript, ensuring smooth site performance.
  • Backend Admin Options Development: I developed backend admin options for various controls, such as skipping the homepage, menu ID filter exclusion/inclusion, disabling when offline, removal options on popup, RSS, and Ajax, mobile device responsiveness, and advanced caching for high efficiency.

In this project, I applied my skills in the Joomla CMS framework, PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. These technologies enabled me to create a versatile and efficient plugin for Joomla site enhancement.