Mobile Infotainment App

Buddy is the first daily mobile infotainment app in Bangladesh for Bengali-speaking people, which I had the opportunity to develop. It’s an all-in-one app containing articles on various daily needs across more than 20 categories. From personal care, breaking news, sports, lifestyle, to business updates and entertainment, Buddy serves as a mobile magazine, growing into a community of over 1,000 users.

Google Play Store Link

VU Mobile Ltd.

My client for this project was VU Mobile Ltd., a prominent Mobile Advertising and Entertainment company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Established in 2005, VU Mobile is a joint venture with the global digital leader, Zed.

Company Website: http://www.vumobile.biz/

My key responsibilities in the Buddy project included:

  • Requirement Analysis: I conducted thorough requirement analysis, designed Use Case Diagrams (UML), and generated mockups to meet client requirements.
  • API Development: I developed APIs to connect with the existing MS SQL Server database, ensuring seamless data integration.
  • Database Design: I designed the SQLite database for Android local storage, optimizing data management and app performance.
  • Telco Operator Integration: I integrated charging/consent system APIs from top Bangladeshi telecom operators like Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi, and Teletalk, enhancing user accessibility and service delivery.

In developing Buddy, I utilized my skills in Java (Android), ASP.NET (C#), MS SQL Server, XML, Android SDK, APIs, and MySQL/SQLite. This diverse technological expertise enabled me to deliver a robust and engaging mobile infotainment platform.