Dribbble Shots Flyout Joomla Plugin

Joomla! Plugin

I developed the “Dribbble Shots Flyout Joomla Plugin,” a smart module designed to display Dribbble shots within a Joomla site. This plugin creates a user experience akin to the Dribbble environment, complete with super flexible customization options, allowing users to showcase their design work or favorite shots directly on their Joomla website.

Joomla! Extensions Directory Link


My client for this project was CODEBOXR, a company that customizes WordPress, Joomla, and other open-source CMS platforms, and builds both free and professional extensions/addons.

Codeboxr Website: https://codeboxr.com

My responsibilities in the Dribbble Shots Flyout project included:

  • Front-End Design: I designed the front end for Flyout style (fade in/out, slide in/out), incorporating large thumbnail photo previews on mouse hover for an engaging and interactive user experience.
  • Backend Settings Options Development: I developed backend settings options for Flyout control, including full control to style match with any Joomla site, custom vertical placement, gradient style options, and a color picker for preview background and border.

In this project, I applied my skills in the Joomla CMS framework, PHP 5.2, MySQL, JavaScript, and the Dribbble Developer API. These technologies enabled me to create a dynamic and visually appealing Joomla module for showcasing Dribbble shots.