All in One Twitter Card (Open Graph) for WordPress

WordPress Plugin

I developed the “All in One Twitter Card (Open Graph) for WordPress,” a plugin that enhances Twitter sharing by attaching rich media experiences to Tweets linking to content. This plugin enables WordPress users to add additional information to their pages, making shared links on Twitter more engaging and informative with “cards” that are visible to all followers.

WordPress Plugin Directory Link


My client for this project was CODEBOXR, a company that specializes in customizing WordPress, Joomla, and other open-source CMS platforms, and builds both free and professional extensions/addons.

Codeboxr Website:

My key responsibilities in the All in One Twitter Card project included:

  • Theme Development: I developed themes for different card types, such as Summary, Photo, Gallery, Product, App, Player.
  • Twitter API Integration: I integrated the Twitter API and provided support for WooCommerce.
  • WordPress Backend Options Implementation: I implemented WordPress backend options including enabling/disabling the plugin, selecting plugin post type, choosing different Twitter cards, setting site Twitter username, custom site image URL, custom image size, and more.

In this project, I applied my skills in the WordPress Plugin API, PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. These technologies were key in creating a versatile and user-friendly Twitter card plugin for WordPress sites.